MSD has a target of 30 per cent reduction in energy consumption from 2011 to 2015, by optimising usage and eliminating waste. This will be done by using eficient and cost- effective technologies, improving waste heat recovery, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting employee energy awareness and continual participation. MSD was also an Energy Eficiency National Partnership (EENP) Awards 2011 recipient for the Best Practices category.
So far, the greatest savings have come from optimising use of a clean steam generator which saves 2,532 MWh, optimising the south water chiller which saves 2,520 MWh and shutting down the south campus admin building which saves 1,775 MWh. Following an “Energy Eficiency Treasure Hunt” exercise in 2013, MSD has begun ramping up projects in 2014 with total energy savings of 6,782 MWh. The greatest savings have come from optimisation of Glycol system supply & return pump (865 optimisation (1,433 MWh), LED’s lights conversion (366MWh), Laprasova Fuzzy logic control for cooling tower fan (251 MWh), Lab fume’s optimisation (589 MWh) and other optimisation (242 MWh) in 2014.
The company hosts a competitive annual “Energy Eficiency Treasure Hunt” globally. The objective is to reduce cost, drive reductions in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, and improve eficiency.This involves teams performing in-depth site investigations documenting and making wastage visible, eliminating waste, replicating the results, and relecting on what other implications might result from the changes.
In the 2013 MSD Singapore Treasure Hunt, the goal was to reduce energy use by 16 per cent and save US$4 million. Preparation started two months ahead of the three-day event.
In the end, nine teams examining areas across the company’s operations identiied potential 40 per cent energy reduction opportunities, with corresponding elimination of 23,300 MT of greenhouse gas emissions, and potential operational savings of US$9.77 million – far exceeding the initial goals.
The key to the initiative’s success included good preparation and planning, management involvement and support, energy expertise from both internal and external sources, energy management team involvement, team leader and members’ training, participant background diversity and knowledge, sharing of best practices, and communal learning.
*This cover on MSD International GmbH (Singapore branch) is published in Envision Magazine Issue 6.