Business tenders

Ti.Ref No :- 481611533

Supply installation of submersible pumping machinery voltage stabilizer chlorination system and internal house wiring for tube well no 1and 2 at belenda water supply schem block monteshwar under cmd phe dte dist purba bardhaman.

Organisation Name: Public Health And Engineering Department
Address: phe||mechanical circle - i (phe)||central mech. division

Document Type: Tender Notice
Bidding Type: Domestic Competitive Bidding
Project Location: India
Tender Notice No: WBPHED/EE/CMD/eNIT-26/22-23 ID: 2022_PHED_426344_14
Description: Tenders are invited for Supply installation of submersible pumping machinery voltage stabilizer chlorination system and internal house wiring for tube well no 1and 2 at belenda water supply schem block monteshwar under cmd phe dte dist purba bardhaman.

Tender Category : Services

OpeningDate : Dec 27 2022 11:30AM
Deadline: 2022-12-22
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Orginal Document

Machinery and Equipments(M&E); Energy, Power and Electrical; Water and Sanitation; Infrastructure and construction;
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