Business tenders

Ti.Ref No :- 481713898

Supply Of Warning Light Switch , Thermometer , Oil Pressure Gauge , Temp Sensor , Flexible Piece Tie Rod Boq Title Warning Light Switch
Qty : 23

Organisation Name: Indian Army
Address: Gem Tender

Document Type: Tender Notice
Bidding Type: Domestic Competitive Bidding
Project Location: India
Tender Notice No: GEM/2022/B/2825867
Description: Tenders are invited for Supply of warning light switch , thermometer , oil pressure gauge , temp sensor , flexible piece tie rod boq title warning light switch
Qty : 23

Tender Category : Goods

OpeningDate : Dec 10 2022 12:00AM

QTY : 23.00

Deadline: 2022-12-10
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Machinery and Equipments(M&E); Metals and Non-Metals; Industry; Energy, Power and Electrical;
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