
938 LIVE Interview with Mr Edwin Khew, SEAS Chairman


SEAS Chairman Mr Edwin Khew spoke on 938LIVE to share with listeners what Clean Technology is, why it makes good business sense to go into Clean Technology, and how Singapore is already on its way to being the test bed for clean technologies in the region.  Click to listen to the interview.

Singapore has the right ingredients to be a star eco-city:

- Currently, half of most countries' populations live in cities. By 2050, at least 70% of most country's population will be living in cities. Infrastructure will get totally congested. That's going to be bad for the city and the environment around the cities. 

- Singapore can offer these cities great solutions. We can test-bed technologies here. If it works, we have a solution for all urban cities in the future. It's a great opportunity for Singapore. The government and the private sector sees this opportunity.

So how do we move forward? 

- Singapore has started on many projects, one being the recently launched Cleantech One at the Cleantech Park. Cleantech One is the start of providing clean technology industry a home, providing solutions for the region, and hopefully in the future, globally.

- We have research institutions, and other organisations that provide other services in the Cleantech sector that reside in Cleantech Park. This whole eco system is good. Hopefully this can attract countries around the region with problems to Singapore, and hopefully we can help them find a solution.