
Businesses can be agents of social change

SEAS Chairman Er. Edwin Khew's commentary on climate change and sustainability was published on The Business Times on 21 October 2019.  Read more on his views below.



The Business Times (Online)


21 October 2019


Views from the Top


Businesses can be agents of social change








Recent years have seen many organisations and leaders becoming more comfortable with taking a stand on important socio-political matters. One of these issues, for instance, is climate change and sustainability. 

Organisations are increasingly cognisant that climate change can lead to several problems such as prolonged droughts, new diseases, intense and extreme weather conditions, and sea level rise which will adversely affect an island state like Singapore. 

Therefore, a number of businesses have begun to incorporate sustainable business practices and highlight these initiatives to their stakeholders. Some of these efforts include adopting clean energy sources, introduction of energy efficiency in their business operations, and championing innovation and sustainability in the renewable energy space through investments. This can go a long way in accelerating the vision of a carbon-free society. 


Edwin Khew


Sustainable Energy Association of Singapore